Exploring the Significance of Google’s E-E-A-T


When users search for information online, one thing can be certain — they want content that is reliable and accurate. As search engines like Google process approximately 99,000 search queries every second (roughly 8.5 billion searches per day), it’s of utmost importance that the content being delivered in search results continues to maintain user confidence. To accomplish this, websites must prioritize a few key principles that promote a positive online experience, which in return could reward their site with sustainable improvements to organic visibility.

What is E-E-A-T?

E-E-A-T is an acronym that stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

However, before these four concepts can be explained in further detail, it’s helpful to discuss the history of Google’s E-A-T and how the extra “E” came to fruition. 

The concept of E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) was first highlighted in Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines, a document used by human evaluators to assess the quality of search results. This occurred in 2014, allowing Google’s algorithm to gain a clearer vision of what constitutes quality and relevant content on websites. Over time, discussions about the importance of E-A-T in the SEO community increased significantly, especially after the August 1, 2018 Google Core Algorithm Update. Although Google did not explicitly state that E-A-T was the sole focus of this update, many observed that websites with content lacking in E-A-T were more affected.

Fast-forward to December 2022 where Google made the decision to add an extra “E” to the acronym — this time standing for Experience

Breaking Down E-E-A-T

Now that we have a better understanding of E-E-A-T, let’s discuss each acronym in more detail and how it could be applied to one’s content and SEO strategy.


With this newly added criterion, Google is now placing emphasis on personal involvement about the topic being discussed. 

For instance, if a user wants to discover more about a particular product or wants insights on something specific like home repairs or fitness tips, they want to see content by individuals with hands-on experience. By incorporating this, Google tends to reward these pages knowing it’s from a reliable source. 


When it comes to expertise, Google is assessing the level of knowledge and skill demonstrated by content creators in a particular subject matter or industry. 

Who is producing this content and what’s their connection to the topic? How much have they written about this topic previously? These are questions Google is looking for answers on to help determine its quality level.

Prioritizing expertise in your content can be achieved through simple tips. One such tip is to clearly display the qualifications of content creators, authors, or contributors. For example, if an article discusses signs and symptoms of a specific medical condition, featuring a callout at the top or bottom of the page that highlights it was reviewed by a medical professional in that field—along with a link to their profile page—demonstrates expertise.


In terms of authoritativeness, this refers to the respect and esteem someone or a website has, particularly within the community of experts and influencers in a specific field.

Prime examples of websites displaying high levels of authority include The New York Times, National Geographic, and ESPN to name a few. The commonality of each of these three sites is the amount of expertise and experience (two other prominent factors of E-E-A-T) shown through backlinks, writers with strong thought leadership and followers, and the variety of topics covered to spark engagement.

Creating authority isn’t done overnight. It’s something that takes time, effort and patience. However, there are things to keep in mind as opportunities to enhance your content and improve SEO. One of the biggest areas is earning quality backlinks by developing a backlink strategy to attract links from reputable websites in your field. This can be achieved through guest posts, collaborations, or creating shareable, high-value content.

Other considerations may involve establishing thought leadership that showcases unique insights, and a deep understanding of your industry or niche. By doing this, you’re also maintaining a consistent level of quality in your content to reinforce your reputation as an authoritative source. 


Being the most important element of the E-E-A-T family, trustworthiness revolves around the legitimacy, transparency, and accuracy of a website and its content. Without it, none of the other factors within E-E-A-T would be as effective.

Trustworthy content instills confidence in users. When people trust the information they find, they are more likely to engage with the content, spend more time on a website, and potentially return for future visits. If visitors discover misinformation taking away from their experience, this could result in the site being penalized.

There are notable ways to ensure you’re building continuous trust with your audience:

  • Provide Accurate Information: Ensure that the information shown is accurate, up-to-date, and supported by reliable sources.
  • Prioritize User Experience: Create a clear layout, easy navigation, and well-organized content to enhance the overall user experience.
  • Engage Responsively: Respond promptly and responsibly to user comments, feedback, and inquiries to demonstrate a commitment to transparency and customer satisfaction.
  • Having an HTTPS SSL: Ensure that sensitive information, such as login credentials, personal data, and financial transactions, is protected from unauthorized access

Taking Google’s E-E-A-T to the next level involves a strategic and comprehensive approach. As with anything involving SEO, it is an ongoing process, and results will take time. However, consistency, quality, and a commitment to the users will guide your content to success.